#3: Hard Rubber & Ripples
The majority of the pens seen here are from our archived listings and are no longer available to purchase. If you click on the title link, you'll be taken to the "for reference only" listing where you can see more photos and read the description.
(See Hard Rubber & Ripples category for current inventory.)
Waterman 0852 1/2 V Fountain Pen - BCHR Ringtop GT, Semi-Flex Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 0852 V Fountain Pen - BCHR w Wide Gold Band, Full Flex New York Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 12 1/2 V PSF Fountain Pen - BCHR, Full Flex Ideal Fine Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 12 PSF - BCHR w Nickel Trim, Full Flex Medium NY #2 Nib (Excellent, Restored) - 7210
Waterman 14V PSF - BCHR, Nickel Trim, Full Flex New York Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 15 PSF Fountain Pen - BCHR w Nickel Trim, Flexible Fine NY #5 Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 52 - BCHR, Early 18k GF Clip, 2 Ornate Bands, Flexible Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 Fountain Pen - Canada, Dual Silver Band, No Clip, Flexible Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 Fountain Pen - BCHR w Two 9k Bands, Flexible Fine Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Blue Ripple Mechanical Pencil - Small Size 4-1/2" (Excellent, Works Well)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Fountain Pen - BCHR NPT Ringtop, Flexible Fine Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Fountain Pen - Red Ripple, #2 New York Stub (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Fountain Pen - Woodgrain Ringtop, Fine Flexible #2 Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Ring Top Fountain Pen - BHR, Wide Band, Fine Flex Gold Nib (Very Nice, Restored)
Waterman 52 1/2 V Ring Top Fountain Pen - Cardinal Red, Fine Flexible Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 52 Fountain Pen - Cardinal Red Hard Rubber, Ideal Flex Fine (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 52 Fountain Pen - Red Woodgrain, Full Flex Fine Nib (Excellent +, Restored)
Waterman 52 Smooth BHR Fountain Pen - Semi-Flex Fine #2 Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 52 V Blue Ripple Fountain Pen (Canada) - Flexible Fine Nib (Very Nice, Works Well)
Waterman 52 V Fountain Pen - BCHR, Nickel Trim, Fine Flexible Nib (Excellent +, Restored)
Waterman 52 V Olive Ripple Fountain Pen - Flexible Fine Nib (Excellent + In Box, Works Well)
Waterman 55 Fountain Pen - Red Ripple w Fully Flexible #5 Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 55 V Fountain Pen - Red Ripple with GF Trim, Fine Manifold Nib (Excellent, Restored)
Waterman 58 Oversize Fountain Pen - Red Ripple Hard Rubber, Flexible Fine Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 7 Colorband Red Ripple Fountain Pen - Red Band, Flex Fine Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 7 Colorband Red Ripple Fountain Pen - Yellow Band, Flex Rounded Nib (Superior, Restored)
Waterman 7 Colorband Red Ripple Fountain Pen - Medium Rigid "Green" Nib (Excellent +, Restored)
Waterman 94 Fountain Pen - Olive Ripple, Flexible Fine Nib (Excellent, Restored) - 7717
Waterman 94 Fountain Pen - Blue Ripple, Flexible Extra Fine Ideal #4 Nib (Excellent +, Restored)
Waterman 994 Fountain Pen Set (Hard to Find) - Rose Ripple, Flexible Ideal Nib (Superior, Restored)