Product Description
Type Modern limited edition fountain. Numbered from an original production of 1898.
Product Name Duraflex. The Conklin Duragraph is a recent revivial of the original 1923 model of the same name, and their Duraflex is a Duragraph supplied with Conklin's "Omniflex" nib.
Manufacturer and Year Conklin (Modern), USA, 2020
Length 5-1/2 inches long.
Filling System Cartridge/converter. A threaded converter is installed in the pen, and international cartridges will also fit.
Color Translucent clear body with flecks of color. It has various colors on the trim and nib. Select color, trim and nib from pulls down menu.
Nib Omniflex. This is Conklin's name for their steel nib with cutouts in the shoulders. It gives a very slightly springy effect, and you can technically get a bit of line variation, but it takes a fair bit of pressure, and you risk springing the tines. Another not-completely-successful modern attempt at a steel flexible nib.
Condition Near mint condition, no box or paperwork. Slight microscratching on the barrel and cap. The trim looks pristine, with no brassing or polishing marks.The pen is in beautiful condition, no cracks or chips, dings or dents, personalization or plating wear. The pen looks pretty much brand new.
EARTH (EF nib):
FIRE (Fine nib)
WATER (Fine nib)