Product Description
Type Limited edition fountain pen, #1268 of 1926 made (number of years since Roman Colisseum built as of 1996)
Product Name Delta Colossuem Limited Edition dedicated to the Roman Colisseum, built in 70 AD.
Manufacturer and Year Delta, Italy -- 1996, as noted on the lever.
Length 5-7/8"
Filling System This is a lever filler. New ink sac installed.
Color Black cap and marbled orange and black body are hand-turned from solid rods of special acrylic resin. The trim pieces are sterling silver.
Nib Broad 18k nib. It is labeled B and is two-tone. It's a smooth writer.
Condition Very nice condition with some light wear. The sterling trim has a few marks here and there. The imprint is not particularly crisp, though this was not caused by wear. The main demerit on this pen is the crack near the end piece. It's rough in texture and Y shaped, but it does not run all the way to the end and is not in a location that gets stressed during the normal operation of the pen. We have priced the pen accordingly.