Product Description
Type Fountain Pen
Product Name 92-A Maniflex
Manufacturer and Year The Moore Pen Co., made in USA -- 1941-46.
Length 5" and thin
Filling System Lever filler - restored with a new sac.
Color Brown and grey (with pearlescence) striped marbled cap and barrel. 1/8" wide stacked bands near the cap lip. Black section.
Nib FINE 14k Moore Maniflex nib. Soft feeling with a little flex, enough to get some line variation. We've included a writing sample in the photos.
Condition Excellent condition for this richly colored, pearlescent, shiny vintage pen. The barrel has marks caused by the cap lip, and light to moderate scratching. The color is really nice, with good differentiation between the gray and brown, as well as good pearlescence visible. The lever bar has some dots of pitting. The section looks good. The cap has moderate scratching. The plating on the cap band is thin, and there's brassing and some dots of pitting there. The clip also has thin plating, though it looks a bit better than the cap band. The rivet on the top of the cap looks good. The imprint is readable.
Note: the photos show some marks on the nib, but we've removed them after taking the pictures.