Product Description
Type Fountain Pen
Product Name Moore L-72. The model number is imprinted on the end of the barrel - it's somewhat faded, but you can read the "72" fairly easily.
Manufacturer and Year The Moore Pen Co., Boston, Mass., USA, 1920s
Length 4-3/16" excluding the ringtop hardwear.
Filling System Lever filler, restored with a new sac. Filling system guaranteed for a year from the date of purchase.
Color Black chased hard rubber with gold plated trim.
Nib FINE Moore nib is 14k. It is close to fully flexible, with line variation from extra fine to broad. It's got good tipping material. See writing sample below.
Condition Excellent condition, with even, deep coloration. The chasing is strong and clear on both barrel and cap, as are the imprints. The end of the barrel has bite marks. There are a few small marks near the front of the barrel, where the cap lip rubs. The very front of the section has faint tool marks. The cap lip has some teensy little chips, but no cracks. The derby has light to moderate scratching, and some small dents near the top edge.