Product Description
Type Fountain pen
Product Name Duofold Centennial Mk1. The box calls the model Pearl and Black, but we're used to seeing the color called Black and Pearl.
Manufacturer and Year Parker, UK -- 1992 (The date code is a clear IA which means 1992)
Length 5-3/8"
Filling System The pen comes fitted with a Parker piston converter. The converter can be removed to use Parker style cartridges.
Color The Black and Pearl model is modeled after the 1920s design. It is a white pearl acrylic with black lines. It has black end pieces and section with two cap bands, two barrel bands, and two section bands.
Nib FINE 18k 750 nib is marked F on the feed. This is the early "Arrow" style nib, correct for this year of Duofold.
Condition Near mint condition. Polishing marks and light handwear, but the overall impression is shiny and smooth. The imprints are clear and there are no dents, chips, cracks, or signs of plating wear. In Parker box, though possibly not the original.