Product Description
Type Modern fountain pen
Product Name Unknown
Manufacturer and Year Cross, USA - early 2000s. Paul Smith is a British designer, known for his "classics with a twist" idiosyncratic style. In this classic fountain pen, we find the twist in the clip - literally, the metal is twisted partway down. Another secret twist to this pen is the neon pink inner liners for both barrel and cap! We don't know much about this pen, but we did find information on message boards that this was a collaboration with Cross Pens.
Length 5-13/16"
Filling System Proprietary Cross screw-in converter
Color Purple lacquer over brass, with a gold stripe lengthwise down the barrel. Sterling silver trim.
Nib FINE 18k nib.
Condition Near mint in box. Some small scratches on the barrel, but overall quite shiny and great looking. All of the sterling trim is in fantastic shape. Section is sterling hallmarked, and textured with a nice cross-hatched pattern to keep your fingers from sliding down while using the pen. Silver is a relatively soft metal, and the fact that the clip is smooth and shiny is a sign that the pen was used minimally.