Product Description
Type Fountain pen
Product Name Model P470 - Steno-fuller
Manufacturer and Year Pelikan, Germany -- 1996-99, based off of the clip.
Length 5-3/16 inches
Filling System Takes international cartridges and converters. Pelikan pens are very finicky when it comes to converters so we recommend using a Pelikan brand converter if you want to use a converter. A semi-dried long black cartridge is included. This matches the original packaging.
Color Black barrel with clear parts of the barrel and a blue tinted viewing window. It has a brushed stainless steel cap and silver colored trim.
Nib STUB steel nib with minimal marking and a semi-hooded nib like shape. The nib is unmarked, but the box labels the nib, "ST," for stub. Since it looks so new, we did not take a writing sample.
Condition Near Mint condition with the original box and a cartridge. The pen has handwear throughout but it really looks clean. The o on the clip has a little bit of plating wear. There's some polishing marks on the nib. The feed looks perfect.