Product Description
Type Fountain pen
Product Name Montparnasse. This is the largest size.
Manufacturer and Year S T Dupont, Paris -- late 1980s.
Length 5-1/2"
Filling System Parker-style cartridge or converter filled. A black Dupont converter is installed. The section/nib is released by a latch on the end of the barrel. Lift the little latch, and turn it counter clockwise, and that unscrews the section which allows you to remove it to install a cartridge or access the converter.
Color Diamond grid etched silver plating with gold plated trim.
Nib 18k medium cursive italic nib. When the section is unscrewed, just above the threads it is labeled B for broad, but when it was cut for line variation it became a cursive italic medium. Please see the writing sample below. This is a nice wide nib. It's smooth and looks good.
Condition Superior condition. There are some spots where the grids look a little less crisply defined but no real handwear. There is a little plating wear on the left of the clip and the imprints are sharp.