Product Description
Type Vintage Sheaffer
Product Name Triumph 500, aka Admiral II. (This pen has the 500 mark on the barrel and a #59 nib, with no white dot) These are frequently mis-identified as Craftsman pens due to the cap similarity, however the Craftsman had an open nib and the Admiral II has a short Triumph nib. Also mistaken for the Sovereign II, which has a white dot and a Triumph Lifetime nib.
Manufacturer and Year Sheaffer, USA, circa 1946
Length 4-7/8"
Filling System Vac-fil, restored here at PSP
Color Carmine striated with gold filled trim.
Nib Fine short Triumph nib, 14k #59
Condition Excellent condition, with moderate wear. Some barrel clarity. No brassing on the cap band or clip, no bite marks. General wear to the plastic.