Product Description
Type Nib unit
Product Name Sheaffer's produced these nibs for their Balance II pens. They will also fit the Connaisseur and No Nonsense pens. (Note that usually the Balance II nibs were marked Feather Touch and were 18k, and on the classic solid colored Balances there was a single tone 14K Sheaffer Lifetime nib. This is a two-tone nib marked Lifetime, but without the gold content indicated, and for this variation we have no explanation.)
Manufacturer and Year Sheaffer, USA, 1990s
Filling System This works with the converter/cartridge filling system
Color Black section
Nib EXTRA FINE. It's not marked as to size but we are pretty sure it is an extra fine based on comparison with other Balance II nibs marked fine.
Condition Excellent, though it has been inked. Not much wear to the nib itself, and only light wear to the plastic of the section.