Product Description
Type Snorkel Fountain Pen
Product Name Sheaffer Clipper
Manufacturer and Year Sheaffer, USA -- 1955-59
Length 5-9/16"
Filling System Snorkel Filler - it is restored and working perfectly. We'll send instructions on how to use the snorkel filling system. We replaced the sac, O-ring and point gasket. We guarantee the filling system for a year.
Color Black body with stainless steel cap. The cap has a pattern of lines and has a 3/16" gold plated cap band and clip.
Nib Medium Cursive Italic PdAg, palladium silver, Triumph style nib. It is marked, "M4" which specifies original medium nib size and material, however it has been ground in house for line variation. It is smooth with and a slight downward lilt to the nib. Please see the writing sample below.
Condition Excellent + condition. The metal cap has no dents, which can be difficult to find with these "Sentinel" style caps. Polishing marks are consistent throughout the cap and the barrel has low handwear. No cracks or chips or bite marks.