Product Description
Type Vintage fountain pen
Product Name The Clipper. This is the early version with the Sheaffer Balance-like clip. (The pen is not marked with the model name, but we've had pens exactly like this in the past that have been marked "Clipper," so we are comfortable calling it that.)
Manufacturer and Year Sheaffer created the WASP (which stood for W A Sheaffer Pen) -- Circa 1935, the model seems to have come out around then and was officially named in 1937.
Length 5-1/16".
Filling System Lever filler. A new sac has been installed and tested. It's fully installed and working well.
Color Grey Lahn color. It's a mix of metallic threads in clear celluloid. It's a pretty elaborate pattern. The pen has black end pieces and nickel plated trim.
Nib Flexible Fine 14k WASP #3 nib. The tines look quite wide for a fine but the actual tipping material is almost extra fine.The nib is springy and the tines spread easily, so you get line variation from extra fine to medium. Please see the writing sample below.
Condition Excellent + condition. The cap and barrel look really great with low handwear. The trim is severely pitted but that's not surprising with nickel trim. In general, the plating can often be the weakness in the WASP pens. No dents, chips, cracks, bite marks, or major scratches. The imprint is very clear. It reads, "Vacuum-Fil," even though that doesn't match the filling system.