Product Description
Type Fountain Pen
Product Name Model 452 1/2 V (4 means full sterling overlay, 5 means lever filler, 2 represents the nib size, 1/2 means that it's thin, and V means short). The rare pattern was called "Duchesse" and it is only found on this model and its matching pencil.
Manufacturer and Year Waterman, USA -- 1930s.
Length 4-9/16"
Filling System Lever filler, restored here at PSP with a new sac.
Color Sterling silver filigree over black hard rubber. The sterling is in the Waterman "Duchesse" pattern which is almost like a fan pattern with decreasing sized triangles and very fine lengthwise lines in between. The section is black without an overlay.
Nib FLEXIBLE FINE Waterman's nib. It gets good line variation and the tines spread easily. Please see the writing sample below.
Condition Excellent + condition. The sterling is nice and shiny and the hard rubber is black. There are fine marks throughout and a handful of short scratches on the cap. The imprints are good. The pen is ready to write.