Product Description
Type Vintage pen which works beautifully and has a flexible nib.
Product Name Model 52. It's not marked as such, but it matches that description. This pen lacks a clip, but there is no indication it ever had one.
Manufacturer and Year Waterman, USA, 1920s
Length 5-5/16"
Filling System Lever filler. We installed a new sac and it works very well.
Color Black chased hard rubber with nickel plated trim.
Nib FINE FULL FLEX 14k Waterman's #2 nib. Though not a wet noodle or ultra flex nib, it has what we consider full flex, with a good ink flow. Good tipping material. The line varies from fine or extra fine to a nice broad with just moderate pressure. Don't rely on our description though, as everyone has different standards for flex: see our writing sample below.
Condition Very nice condition. The chasing pattern is nearly worn away, and the majority of the pen has faded to the typical dark brown. The imprint on the barrel is largely worn or polished down, with only the left side remaining visible. The imprint on the end of the barrel where you normally see the model number, has some heavy scratches so the model number is not visible. The lever housing has some pitting, and the surface of the lever is somewhat worn, though with no pitting. There are some noticeable scratches on the end of the barrel, as well as a few more moderate scratches on the barrel. Overall the pen is shiny and nice looking.