Product Description
Type Vintage lever filling fountain pen.
Product Name Skywriter Generation 1. This is from the first series of Skywriter (there's three main eras as far as we've seen). It is from the later part of the first version with an imprint that reads " THE SKYWRITER" Aikin Lambert madein U.S.A. by L. E. Waterman Co."
Manufacturer and Year Waterman & Aikin Lambert, US -- 1930s.
Length 5" long
Filling System Lever filler. We've restored it with a new sac and it's working very well. We guarantee the filling system for a year from the date of purchase.
Color Gray Pearl Pyralin (DuPont's name for this celluloid) in a striped pattern. We'd call it grey striated. It has a black section and a lined clip. The trim is nickel plated and includes one narrow cap band.
Nib Flexible A.L. Co. 14k nib, with a line from about a medium-fine to broad. See the writing sample below.
Condition Excellent condition for this small, subtly colored and shiny pen. The barrel has light marks caused by the cap lip and some small bite marks at the end. The lever looks great. The cap has light to moderate scratching that is largely hidden by the color pattern. The very top of the cap has some scratches and small cracks emanating from the center where the material does not come together cleanly. The end of the barrel has a small indent in the center. The clip has plating wear as does the cap band. The viewing window in the section is clear. The imprints look great.